
Makakilo is a beautiful community located about 1.7 miles away from Kapolei, Hawaii, with an estimated population of 20,353 people. A fantastic read

The Makakilo neighborhood is a great place to live with excellent livability scores and ranking 19 out of all neighborhoods in Hawaii. This area enjoys better rankings than 64% of neighboring communities on account of its high-level livability index as well.

The Makakilo community has a cost of living that is 5% higher than the average for all other areas in Hawaii and 86% higher than the U.S. average, but residents still feel like they get an affordable rate. Housing prices there are 176 percent more expensive when compared to nationwide data on similar properties, which means it’s important to make sure you’re ready with money saved up before moving here.

Living in Makakilo means you have a 15 % lower chance of becoming a victim to crime, which is lower than the national average, and the average violent crimes rate in this community is 34% lower than the U.S. average as well. With an average of 1 in 38 chances of being targeted by criminals, residents here know that their community is safer from harm’s way when compared with other cities throughout America, which makes this community safer than 34% of the U.S. cities.

Makakilo has a 6% higher income per capita than the national average. Median household incomes are also much greater in this area, with Makakilo people earning 85% more on an annual basis compared to what they would make elsewhere.

Makakilo is a community full of opportunities. The unemployment rate here at 1% lower when compared to the national average. Additionally, median earnings for men are 41% higher than women’s, and in Makakilo, readily available employment opportunities have made it possible for locals and newcomers alike can succeed together. The poverty level here is 70% lower than the national average, meaning that there’s less chance you’ll live below the line. A great post

The Makakilo neighborhood is a community with great educational opportunities with school tests score equal to the national average. In fact, 93% of its residents have completed 8th grade and 92 percent are high-school graduates. Additionally, 31% of its residents have attained a bachelor’s degree.

The Makakilo community has a real estate market that is 5% higher than the average in Hawaii, and rental prices there are 35 percent greater as well.

Also, Makakilo has a population density 2324% higher than that of Hawaii, but the median age is 14 percent lower than the state average.

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Driving Directions from Mele Luau Oahu to next POI (Makakilo)

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