
Waipahu is a neighborhood located about 5.7 miles away from Kapolei, Hawaii, with an estimated population size of around 42k people who reside here. Click for more

The Waipahu community is a great place to live if you are looking for an area with good livability scores and rankings. This community ranks better than 46% of its surrounding areas in terms of how much fun it would be as well.

The area around Waipahu is an ideal spot for those who want bustling city life with peaceful surroundings. The community has many parks and walkways, making it easy to enjoy both ends of the spectrum at once.

Waipahu has a cost of living that is 1% higher than average in Hawaii but 80% greater when compared nationally. Housing prices are also 154 percent higher than the national average as well.

The people of the Waipahu neighborhood are very liberal and enjoy a high-quality education. Many families live in this area, which makes it an excellent location for many children who want to get ahead at their respective schools.

The Waipahu area has a crime rate that is 37% higher than the U.S. average. In addition to this fact, there are 21 lower violent criminal convictions within our community which make it seem like we’re not so bad after all. You have an opportunity for safety when living here as well because you’ll only be targeted by criminals one out of every 32 times- that’s pretty good odds considering most places don’t offer any protection at all.

When looking at the average income per capita in the Waipahu community, it’s 24% lower than the national level. However, when median household incomes are compared with those nationwide, they’re found to be 31 percent higher than the national average.

The unemployment rate in the Waipahu area is 24% lower than the national average, which means that if you’re looking for work, it’s much easier to find a position here. Additionally, male median earnings are 41% higher than female median wages – indicating an imbalance between employment opportunities and job seekers on either side of the gender spectrum. However, the poverty level in this beautiful community is 15% lower than the U.S. average.

The average test score in the Waipahu community is 1% higher than the national average. There are approximately eight public schools that serve this community, and 83.5% of people here have completed eighth grade while 82.2% of its people have completed high school as well. Additionally, 16.4% of residents residing in Waipahu have attained a bachelor’s degree. Continue reading

Driving Directions from Mele Luau Oahu to next POI (Waipahu)

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