West Loch Estate is a community in Hawaii with an estimated population of 5,183 people. It’s about 4.1 miles away from Kapolei and has all the amenities you need for your family life without being too far out into city limits. Check this out
The West Loch Estate community has ranked well in terms of livability and average living conditions. It’s the 55th best area in Hawaii and ranks better than 44% of its surrounding areas in terms of this measure.
West Loch Estate has a higher cost of living than either the average in Hawaii or the United States. Housing prices are also much greater, making it difficult for residents to afford reasonable housing costs and live comfortably on their wages alone. In fact, the cost of living in this community is 2% higher than the Hawaii average and 82% higher than the national average, while housing is 160% higher than the U.S. average as well.
The crime rates in the West Loch Estate community are 5% lower than the national average, while less violent crimes committed here are 45% lower than the U.S. average. In case you live within a mile or so of this city’s borders, your odds of becoming a crime victim will be even better – there’s only 1/46 chance that residents will become crime victims at some point during their stay in this community which makes West Loch Estate safer than 43% of the U.S. cities.
With an income per capita of 6% than the U.S. average, West Loch Estate has a richer and more diverse population than most other areas. The median household incomes in this area are 78% higher than the national average, making it one of many attractive places to live. More
Male median earnings in the West Loch Estate community are 41% higher than female median earnings. The unemployment rate here is 15% lower than the U.S. average, and poverty levels have been calculated to be 71% lower than the U.S. average. These statistics make West Loch Estate an ideal place for those who are looking to start a family or grow their career without worrying about high rates affecting them financially as well.
West Loch Estate is a community where residents enjoy strong family values and great educational opportunities. The average school test scores here are equal to the national average, with 91% of its residents having completed 8th grade and 90% have completed high school. Additionally, 24% of its residents complete their higher education career goal by earning one or more bachelor’s degrees.